Absolutely a way better bearing than the cheap plastic factory style bearing. So much better quality that it made me take my transmission internals back apart to install this bearing, right after I just put everything back together with a used 4th needle bearing I found online. Thank goodness the shipping was fast because I was just about to reassemble my transmission and put it back into my car. Luckily I bought this one as a back up not knowing how much better it was in quality. That was almost two 2 years and my 4th gear is still as quiet and vibration free as the day I replaced it. I just wish they made an entire needle bearing replacement set for both shafts in this same style for my 2004 T850 because I am about to go back through my transmission again, soon, to do a proper rebuild. Last time I was on a budget and didn’t replace any synchronizer components and I’m regretting that choice. I will at least be ordering another one of these 4th gear bearings when I get the job started, even though I’m sure there won’t be anything wrong with the one have installed currently. It’s a must have for any rebuild of a T850.